
16 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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The beginning was starting good, but a note at 0:07 was so off and notes continuing on it. Then on 0:15 there is that like "Weeep" sound, it too sounds off note, like fully. Part in 0:52 was starting good, but then again became some gibberish. Part at 1:18 to the end is very good, sounds ethereal, I really like when songs sounds like that. At the end it's sounds strange, but there is something in it.

glotch responds:

thanks for this review! this was a good reality check that i need to cut back on the complexity a little bit with these chiptunes, because it ends up making things sound more cluttered than they need to be, and some of the sound waves end up overlapping in weird ways, which was that "strangeness" you heard at the end.

Sounds the same the entire song, no any development or anything. Still good for a first submission.

Darkw1nt3r responds:

Thank you, it was just a quick loop I threw together. More to come later.

In here I can see name kinda fitting in what I hear. This piano(?) sounds at 0:22 sounds kinda off-note. Part at 0:43 sounds too kinda off, didn't liked that. Liked part at 3:20, sounds ethereal. Didn't liked that like around 4:25 there is that strange sound, this kind of strings or woodwind. In the end song is kinda weird, but in a good way(?)

EODTC responds:

Yea a lot of off parts in this one but I'm changing some things in this song so it will sound a lot better

Nice song bro, although I feel like the name doesn't really fit. But I will say that all of your songs have very same style, you use same instruments?

EODTC responds:

Yea I'm terrible at naming my songs and I don't have a huge library of instruments yet so unfortunately yes

Great work man, i hope this will be used in someone video or something like that so you can become famous.

DanJohansen responds:

Thanks a lot man, I never really go for fame, just love making music and creating stuff :D

Nice one.

GoldenEra responds:


Aka DrTuxedo, MrTuxedo, or maybe just Tux
I'm a furry moth that makes electronic music in FL Studio! Although I sometimes can make other genres OwO
I also draw, mostly furries!

Diasyl @BlueTuxedo



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